The Watchman procedure, also known as left atrial appendage closure, addresses a critical medical concern: stroke prevention in individuals with atrial fibrillation (Afib). It involves the permanent implantation of a compact device within the heart to seal off the left atrial appendage (LAA), ultimately reducing the risk of blood clots escaping and causing strokes.


Primary Objective

The core purpose of the Watchman procedure is to mitigate the risk of strokes, a common consequence of atrial fibrillation.

Device Function

The Watchman device, roughly the size of a quarter and shaped like a parachute, is strategically positioned within the LAA. This placement acts as a barrier, preventing the formation of blood clots and their subsequent entry into the bloodstream.

Alternative to Blood Thinners

The procedure offers a compelling alternative to the long-term use of blood thinners, which are often prescribed to Afib patients to reduce the risk of stroke.


Hospital-Based Procedure

The Watchman procedure typically takes place within a hospital setting and requires general anesthesia. Patients should anticipate an overnight stay.

Dietary Preparations

Dietary restrictions are recommended, with patients refraining from eating after midnight the night before the surgery.

Medication Disclosure

Full disclosure of current medications and supplements to the healthcare team is crucial for ensuring a safe procedure.


Minimally Invasive

The Watchman procedure is characterized by its minimally invasive nature, meaning it avoids the need for more extensive surgery.

Catheter Insertion

The procedure commences with the insertion of a catheter through a leg vein. This catheter is then navigated through the bloodstream, reaching the heart.

Precise Device Placement

The Watchman device is carefully positioned within the LAA. Once in place, it opens up like an umbrella, obstructing the LAA's opening to prevent blood clot formation.

Echocardiogram Confirmation

An echocardiogram may be performed post-implantation to verify the accurate placement of the device.

Procedure Duration

Typically, the entire procedure takes around one hour, followed by an overnight stay at the hospital.

Temporary Blood Thinners

Temporary use of blood thinners is prescribed after the surgery to reduce the risk of blood clot formation until the LAA is permanently sealed.

After Care

Post-Surgery Medication

Patients receive a prescription for warfarin a blood thinner for approximately 45 days or until the LAA is confirmed to be entirely closed off. Subsequently, antiplatelet medications may be administered for several months.

Healing and Monitoring

Patients should expect some bruising and minor bleeding around the catheter insertion site. Vigilant monitoring of the incision site is necessary.

Activity Restrictions

Heavy lifting should be avoided during the initial healing phase, with patients consulting healthcare physicians for guidance on resuming regular activities.

Follow-Up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments are essential for assessing recovery progress and ensuring that stroke risk remains reduced.

Individual Candidacy

Eligibility for the Watchman procedure is determined on a case-by-case basis, considering each patient's unique medical history and risk factors.